Here is the list of default flags in the TimeTracker application, and their uses

  1. credit-request-to-be-recommended-by: This flag allows you to enable an option as to who can recommend the certificate/documents before approvals. Click here to learn more.
  2. credit-request-to-be-approved-by: This flag allows you to specify who has the authority to approve certificates or documents. Click here to learn more
  3. tt-header-clarifications-group-name: This flag allows you to enable or disable the Clarifications tab for the TimeTracker Managers. Click here to learn more about enabling or disabling the Clarifications tab for users
  4. header-filter-for-commenter: to write the where-clause
  5. header-filter-for-approver: To set the filters on the approver headers using where-clause
  6. generate_headers_at_interval: Enter the Text value as Monthly or Weekly and save the flag. this enables you to create headers on the Time Details on a Monthly or Weekly basis. Click here to learn more
  7. cc_invoices_to_email_ids: To add the email ID, a CC invoice email will be sent to the ID mentioned in this flag. Click here to learn more about setting up the copy email IDs
  8. org-logo: To set up your org's logo in the invoice. Click here to learn more
  9. org-web-site-address: To add your org's website in the Invoice. Click here to learn more,
  10. whichorg-fax-number: This flag allows you add the Fax number of your org, that will be displayed in the Invoice. Click here to learn more
  11. invoice-select-account:
  12. collection-select-invoice-for-account
  13. collection-select-account:
  14. invoice_email_org_email_signature_line_2_of_2: This flag allows you to add additional information like Terms and conditions in the invoice. Click here to learn more
  15. invoice_email_org_email_signature_line_1_of_2: This flag allows you to add additional information like Terms and conditions in the invoice. click here to learn more
  16. invoice-email-org-phone: To include your company's phone number on the invoice. Add the company's phone number in the Text Value field in this flag and save it. The same will be reflected in the invoices you generate in your org.
  17. invoice_email_org_email_id: This flag allows you to add the org's email ID in the invoice. Click here to learn more.
  18. invoice_email_org_address: To incorporate your company's email address, which will be displayed on the invoice. Click here to learn more
  19. td-trigger-exclude-objRecord-ids-csv: To disable the rollups on specific Projects. Click here to learn more
  20. invoice-header-summarize-by: This flag allows you to specify the object used for billing the customer. You can choose to bill the customer based on one of the following rates:
    • Task Assignment Rate
    • Task Rate
    • Project Rate
    • TimeTracker User Billing Rate., Click here to know more.
  21. manual-collection-account-search-columnThis flag allows you to add filter to search account using the where-clause while adding the collection details of an invoice.a  Click here to learn more
  22. manual-invoice-account-search-column: This flag will enable you to add filter to search account using the where-clause while creating/editing the invoice accounts
  23. start-timestamp-for-time-details-in-next-invoice-run: This flag allows you to set the start date and time so the invoices are created only for the selected date frame. Click here to know more.
  24. invoice-template-detail-section: This flag enables you to populate the fields relevant to the content that will appear in the invoice details section.
    • For example, you can include information such as hours to be billed, quantity used, materials utilized, and more.
  25. invoice-number-format: This allows you to set the invoice number format. Click here to learn more
    • YYYY - 4-character year
    • YY - 2-character year
    • MMM - 3-character month (like Jan)
    • MM - 2-character month (like 01).
  26. Next invoice number: This field allows you to add the serial number of the invoices that are generated in your org. Click here to learn more about setting up the invoice number
  27. invoice-header-surcharge-rate: To set the default surcharge for the invoices in your org. Click here to learn more about setting the default Surcharge for invoices,
  28. invoice-header-tax-rateTo set the Tax rate for the invoices in your org. Click here to learn more to add the default tax rate in your org,
  29. enable-send-invoice-emails-to-customersThis setting enables the sending of invoice emails to customers. Click here to know more,
  30. enable-collection-for-invoice-trigger: Enabling this option allows you to include collection details for invoices. Click here to learn more about enabling collection for invoice triggers.
  31. enable-auto-calculate-final-totalThis flag is utilized within the scheduler responsible for calculating the total amount of the invoice. Click here to learn more about enabling this flag.
  32. enable-invoice-detail-trigger: This is used to automatically calculate the invoice line items. Click here to know more.


  • All these flags are enabled by default in your organization, even if they are not visible in the TimeTracker Flags list.
  • If a flag is not displayed in the list and you want to disable it, you must manually create the flag and set it to Disabled.