Skills and Certificates

  • You can configure specific types of courses for users within the organization, enabling them to complete courses and apply for certifications.
  • Once a user applies for a certificate, the Approval Manager or Reporting Manager will review and approve the request. Approved certificates are then issued to the user.

Setting Up a New Certificate in the Org

  1. Navigate to the Document Flow Template Object and click the New button,

  2. Enter Certificate Details

    • Certificate Name: Enter the name of the certificate in the Name field.
    • Flow Expires in Days: Specify the number of days the certificate remains active for applications.
    • Credit Hours Required: Define the credit hours needed to apply for the certificate.
  3. Configure Rejection Details

    • Rejection Email Attachment: Add details to inform users why their certification request was rejected.
    • Rejection Email: Include the content of the rejection email.
  4. Configure Approval Details

    • Approval Email: Provide the content of the approval email.
    • Approval Email Attachment: Attach details or the HTML format of the certificate to give users a preview of their approved certificate.

By following these steps, you can efficiently set up certificates and streamline the certification process for your organization.

You can also enable the option where the users can add attachments while requesting an certificate. Click here to know more.

Additional Features that can be enabled

You can configure the following features to customize the certification process:

  1. Needs Recommendation

    • Enable this checkbox if you want the certificate to require a recommendation from the Manager before being approved by the Admin.
  2. Flow Expires in Days

    • Specify the number of days the certificate remains active for application.
  3. Credit Hours

    • Define the total credit hours required for a user to apply for a certificate.
  4. Only Once Per User

    • Enable this option to restrict users to requesting a certificate only once during their service period.

These features help tailor the certification workflow to your organization’s specific requirements.