As a manager, you can approve time details from other users. The users whose details you will see are driven in four different ways:

  1. Reporting Manager
  2. Permanent Delegate
  3. Vacation Delegate
  4. Project Manager.

Here's an article that describes the two types of Delegates.The way the Approvals page works is as follows.

  1. Reporting Manager: On the Approvals tab of the Time Review screen, you will see all Time Details submitted by users who have you as their Reporting Manager.
  2. Permanent Delegate:  A Permanent Delegate is someone who is set up to always approve timesheets on your behalf. This means that a Manager delegates their ability to approve to perhaps a Co-ordinator or an Assistant. The Permanent Delegate needs to be set up on the TT User record for the Reporting Manager. The permanent delegate has access to the Time Details of all the users that report to the Reporting Manager.
  3. Vacation Delegate: A Vacation Delegate is set up when a Reporting Manager is on vacation. The Vacation Delegatehas access to a Reporting Manager's data ONLY for the time frame that the Reporting Manager is on vacation. The Vacation Delegate needs to be set up on the TT User record for the Reporting Manager. They see the Time Details of the users only when the Reporting Manager is on an approved PTO.
  4. Project Manager: If you are the Project Manager on a Project, you will see the time entries for Users working on that specific Project. If you are the Manager for multiple Projects, you will see the Time Details for all those Projects.


  1. On the Access Type field in the Approve Time Sheets tab, the Access Type shows up as "Perm Del", "Proj Manager", "Reporting" and "Vac Del" depending on the manner in which the current user has been shown that specific recod. See details in the screen above.
  2. If a User has a Reporting Manager and is working on a project that has a different Project Manager, both the Reporting Manager and the Project Manager will see the time details for that user.
  3. If a Reporting Manager has a Permanent Delegate set up, then both the Reporting Manager and the Permanent Delegate will both see - and can approve - the time entries for the Reporting Manager's team members.
  4. If a Reporting Manager has a Vacation Delegate set up, then both the Reporting Manager and the Vacation Delegate see the time entries for the Reporting Manager's team members when the Reporting Manager is on approved PTO (if they log in).
  5. If the Reporting Manager has a Delegate set up on their TT User record, the Delegate does not see the time entries for a team member that's working on a Project with a Project Manager.
  6. Assume that a User works on 4 different projects each of which has a separate Project Manager. Each of the 4 Project Managers will only see the User's time entries for the Project that they are set up as a Manager.