Whenever you incur a business expense, you can add the expense details using the Expenses tab in the PK4 TimeTracker application and submit it for approval.
Your expense manager will review the expense details and choose to approve or reject them.
Once the expenses are approved or rejected, you get an email alert about the current Expense status.
If the expenses are approved then the accounts people will process them for reimbursement. If the expenses are rejected by your Expense Manager, please check the reason for rejecting the expenses and make the necessary changes to the expenses and re-submit it for approvals.
Note: If the Expenses are rejected, you can view the manager comments and edit the expenses only if you are a Salesforce user and have access to the Expenses tab.
If you are only a Mobile user of the PK4 TimeTracker application, then please talk to your Manager and ask him to make the necessary changes to the expenses for re-submitting it for approvals.