PK4 TimeTracker supports the following types of users:

  1. Personal User
  2. Individual User
  3. Team User 
  4. Kiosk User
  5. TimeTracker Salesforce user
  6. TimeTracker Web user
  7. Chrome User 

Let's look at each type of user and related functionality in detail.

Personal User: A Personal User needs to first clock in before they can check in. Using the mobile app or the Chrome Extension, such a user will see a Clock In button and will be allowed to check in only after they clock in. For example, let's say you have someone working in the field on various tasks, each of which they need to track as check-ins. But they also travel, so their check-ins typically start and end before they travel from one location to another. In that kind of situation, setting them up as Personal Users is ideal. Also, if you're planning to use PK4 TimeTracker data for hourly payroll, setting people up as Personal Users makes a lot of sense since you will know how long someone needs to be paid for (clock in to clock out), regardless of what tasks they performed when clocked in.

  • Click here to see the steps within Salesforce to create a Personal User.

Individual User: An Individual User is someone who only needs to check in and out of work, without needing to clock in and out for the day. People like Financial Planners, Lawyers, Consultants - pretty much anyone who needs to track time for specific tasks. This option is best when you don't need to know how many hours someone spends at work, but you do need to know how much time they have spent on different projects/tasks/cases/whatever. 

Click here to see the steps within Salesforce to create an Individual User.

Team User: A Team User is someone who is part of a team and will not log into PK4 TimeTracker individually. In this scenario, only the Team Leader logs in to PK4 TimeTracker and clocks themselves/team members in and out. When the team Lead starts a Job, all clocked-in members of their team are automatically checked in. When they stop a job, everyone is checked out. This is great for businesses like construction and installation teams, where only the Team Lead uses the PK4 TimeTracker app but the members of the team are available within Salesforce, for reporting purposes (payroll, invoicing, etc). 

  • Click here to see the steps within Salesforce to create a Team User.

Kiosk UserA Kiosk User is someone who can clock in/out and check in/out multiple users in the org. This would be someone working at a front desk, for example. Typically, you would set up a device at the entrance of an office, warehouse, or other such location and log into it using the ID of a Kiosk user. People would walk through and mark their clock-ins. This mechanism could also be used inside a workspace as a common device for people to check in and out - for example, on a manufacturing shop floor. The list of people shown on each device can be configured separately.

  • Click here to see the steps within Salesforce to create a Kiosk User.

Salesforce User: You will have users who need to use PK4 TimeTracker within Salesforce, of course. For such users, the user typically does not matter at all. We do suggest that you create them as Individual Users and add them to the Manage License list for tracking time in Salesforce.

  • Click here to learn more about adding such users.

TimeTracker web user: A TimeTracker web user is someone who tracks time using the TimeTracker web app. The web user can clock in/out and check in/out for Projects/Jobs.

The users can log in to the TimeTracker Web app using Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Edge browsers on their Laptop/Desktop.

  • Click here to know more about creating a TimeTracker Web user

Chrome User: The TimeTracker users can install the Chrome Extension module onto their browser and start tracking time.

The TimeTracker user that is set as an Individual User can track time using Chrome Extension.

  • Click here to know more about installing the app and using the Chrome Extension module for tracking time.


  • Make sure you assign a license to the TimeTracker user by following the instructions here.
  • Click here to know more about the use cases of TimeTracker users. 
  • The login credentials are emailed to the user when a TT User ID is created in Salesforce. If you do not want the automated email sent to the user, please follow the instructions here.