Setting up a user that only has the Check-In option and not the Clock-In

1. Access Users Tab:

  • Click the "new" button from the Users tab in Salesforce.

2. Enter User Details:

  • Fill in the user details, such as Name, First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Email ID, etc.
  • Fields marked in red are mandatory and must be filled out.

3. Select User Type:

  • Check the "Allow Individual Use, not Team Use" checkbox.
  • Set the User type as Individual User.

4. Save User Profile:

  • Click the save button to save the user profile.


User Credentials:

  • Once the user ID is created in Salesforce, the user details (such as App Key, Employee ID, and password) are emailed to the user.

Login Instructions:

  • Instruct the user to use the provided credentials to log in to the TimeTracker application.
  • If the user is accessing the application via the web or the Mobile application, the same credentials should be used.

1. Hourly Loaded Cost:

  • Definition: This field represents the hourly Cost-to-Company for the employee.
  • Purpose: It helps in tracking the cost associated with the employee's working hours.

2. Hourly Billing Rate:

  • Definition: This field represents the hourly rate that is charged to customers for the services provided by the employee.
  • Purpose: It helps in determining the billing rate for the employee's work.

3. Fully Loaded Cost:

  • Definition: This is a formula field that calculates the total cost, derived from the Hourly Loaded Cost multiplied by the Hours Worked.
  • Purpose: It provides a comprehensive view of the total cost incurred for the hours worked by the employee, including additional costs beyond the hourly rate.

4. Billable Amount:

  • Definition: This is a formula field that calculates the billable amount based on the Hourly Billing Rate multiplied by the Hours Worked.
  • Purpose: It helps in determining the total amount that can be billed to customers for the services rendered by the employee.


  • Make sure you assign a license to the TimeTracker user by following the instructions here.
  • If you have created multiple App Keys with different configurations in your org for tracking time, then we suggest that you set each user's default App Key in the TT user screen while creating the TimeTracker user. The app key that you set will automatically kick in if the user is a Salesforce user.