We have introduced a new Time Zone feature in the PK4 TimeTracker version 1.180 onwards, where you can set the time zones for all TT Users. This object ensures that the appropriate time zone is associated with each user, providing clarity and consistency for both users and approvers. 

While Salesforce Users have always had an associated Time Zone on their Salesforce User records, other TT Users (Web, Mobile, Chrome etc.) did not have an associated Time Zone. This has now been resolved with the introduction of the Time Zone field in the TT User record. Please note that for Salesforce users, if you set up a different Time Zone in the TT User record, the Time Zone on the Salesforce User record takes precedence.

The Time Zone is a critical time-tracking factor, especially when the Administrator/Approver and the Time Tracker (TT) User are in different time zones. Previously, the Approver always saw the User's time details in her own time zone. The introduction of the Timezone object ensures that the Approver is aware of the time zone in which the user has entered the time.

How the TimeZone is used.

Salesforce Users

  • If the TimeTracker user is a Salesforce user and tracks time within Salesforce using any of the TimeTracker Objects/Components, the start and end times for the tracked time in the TT Detail record are set according to the time zone set in the Salesforce user record.

TT Web/Mobile Users

  • If the TimeTracker user is NOT a Salesforce user and uses the TimeTracker Mobile/Web app for tracking time, then the start and end times on the TT Detail record are set based on the device or browser time.

Approving Time Entries

  • When the Approver wants to approve the user's time on the Time Review page, they have the option to see the time entries in either the approver's time zone or according to the TT user's time zone. The approver can check the user’s time zone by clicking the checkbox "Show in Submitter timezone".

Salesforce Users

For Time Tracker users who are also Salesforce users:

  1. From Salesforce Setup, go to Users.
  2. Click the Edit button for the user.
  3. In the Locale Settings section, set the TimeZone and save it.

Setting Up User Time Zones for Web/Mobile Users

  1. Go to the TT Users tab and click on the TT User name.
  2. Go to the TT Timezone and set the user timezone.

It is crucial to set the correct timezone for the user, ensuring that the TT User's browser timezone and the timezone on the TT User record match. We suggest setting the timezone in TT User to match the user's browser timezone. This is important because the TimeTracker app considers the logged-in user's browser timezone when creating time details. Having different time zones for the user can confuse both the user and the approver.

For Mobile app users, please set the timezone according to their location, as the local time is set by default on the user’s device.

Some notes on Approving Time Entries:

  • The TimeTracker has another feature where you can set up a Default Start Time for a specific AppKey. If the Default Start Time is set up, then all TT Detail record Start Times will be set to the Default Start Time. In this case, users do NOT have to select a Start Time when they enter their time details on the Multi Line, Weekly, Multi Day screens.
  • Please ensure that you MATCH the time zone for the TT User to the User's local time zone on her device. If not, the Approver may see unexpected results on the Time Review Approval screen.
  • If the Approver checks the Show in Submitter Time zone field on the Time Review / Approver screen, then all the Time Detail records on the screen will show in each specific user's recorded Time Zone on the Salesforce user record (for Salesforce users) OR on the TT User record (for Mobile/Web users).
  • If the Show in Submitter Time Zone field is not checked, then each user's time detail records are shown in the Approver's time zone.
  • If no Time Zone is set for a time tracking user, either in the Salesforce Time Zone field OR in the TT User Time Zone field, then the time details are always shown in the Approver's Time Zone, even if the Show in Submitter Time Zone field is checked.