To import the Time Details
Prepare a CSV file for imports with the below data
- TT User Name,
- Project, Task, and Worktype details (Or the objects that the users track time to)
- Start Timestamp and End Timestamp in the format "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ" as salesforce accepts only this format for the Date and Time field
- Notes (optional)
- User Hourly billing rate, and
- Include all other data that you want to import to the TT Details object and save the CSV file
To import,
- Go to the Settings tab, search for Data Import Wizard and click it. Then click the Launch Wizard button,
- Select TT Details from the Custom Objects list,
- Click Add New Records,
- Select TT User Name and the object lookups in the "add new records" lists. e.g.: If the users are tracking time to the Accounts object, select the "Which Account field in your file do you want to match against to set the Account lookup field?"
- Click on CSV from the "Where is your data located" screen and choose the CSV file for imports,
- Click the Next button,
- Map the filed from CSV with the TT details fields in the "Edit field mapping TT Details" screen
- Click the Next button,
- The screen shows the fields that you mapped, check if the mapping is done correctly,
- Click the Start Import button and Ok button to start the import.
- You see the alert message after the imports are completed, and the Salesforce administrator at your org will get a detailed email after the imports are completed.