Yes, you can manually stop tracking time using the Auto Tracker component.

Here is a detailed description of adding the auto-tracking component to the Console app.

The current build supports the Start/Stop option only in the Console app.

Using the Start/Stop option in the console app,

An example object, such as Cases, is used here to demonstrate the functionality of the auto tracker. This component can be enabled for any object in Salesforce.

  • As the auto-tracker lighting component is enabled for Cases,
  • The time is tracked automatically when you go to the Case view page,
  • When the time is tracked, you see the Stop button. You can click the stop button, if you want to stop tracking the time of the Case.
  • Click the Start button to restart tracking time.


  • Every time you click the Stop button, the TT Details are updated with the end time of the record.
  • If you click the Start button again, a new time entry is written and time continues to track until you click the Stop button or close the tab directly.