By default, the hours worked field calculates the amount that is currently in the Hourly billing rate of the user. And you cannot change the Hourly billing rate for a TT user for a certain period of time.

The calculations work as below currently


  • If an employee's Hourly billing rate is $100 per hour and if he has worked for 10 hours in the last week then the total billing amount will be $1000.
  • If the employee's Hourly billing rate has increased to $150 this week, then the billing rate changes for all the previous entries and for the time entries that the user makes after the billing rate changed.

Note: If you want to change the billing rate of a user only for a certain period of time, then you should change the Hourly billing rate, create a report with the new billing rate, and Export the report.

Then change the hourly billing rate to the current billing rate and save the TimeTracker user ID.

The tech team at PK4 Technologies will implement a feature such that the previous billing rate does not change when you add a new billing rate to the TimeTracker users.