TimeTracker supports two types of delegates:

  1. Permanent Delegate - someone who can approve time-sheets that you need to approve, at any time
  2. Vacation Delegate - someone who can approve time-sheets that you need to approve, when you're on PTO.

  1. Permanent Delegate: Consider that you as Reporting Manager approve the Time details of other users who report to you.
    • If you set up another user as the permanent delegate to yourself, that user will have access to the Time Details of the users that report to you. So they can approve the Time Details of those users.
    • Note: By setting up a Permanent Delegate, the Delegate can see the time details of relevant users at any time and approve them, even if you are not on Vacation.
    • To add a Permanent Delegate to any user:
      • Go to that TT User's record, in Edit mode
      • Choose the Permanent Delegate in the field "Time Detail Permanent Delegate"
      • Click the Save button.

  2. Vacation Delegate: On setting a Vacation Delegate to a Manager, the Vacation Delegate will be able to see and approve time details of reporting users only when the Reporting Manager is on vacation.
  • Note: The vacation delegate sees the Time Details of the users only when the Reporting Manager is on vacation and has an approved PTO. This means that your org must have a paid subscription to the PK4 PTO Add-on and that the Reporting Manager be assigned such a license.
  • To add the Vacation Delegate
    • Go to the TT User's record, in Edit mode
    • Choose the Vacation Delegate in the field "Time Details Vacation Delegate"
    • Click the Save button.