PK4 TimeTracker has a number of optional "modules":

  • PTO
  • Expenses
  • TimeTracker Manager
  • Time Tracker Mobile
  • Jira
  • Project Management
  • Slack.

For TimeTracker users to be able to use any of these modules, they need to be assigned a License to that specific module, after you buy those licenses.

Note: To use Module Licensing, please make sure you have PK4 TimeTracker V 1.128 or later. You can get the latest version from Salesforce AppExchange.

To grant a specific TimeTracker user the permission to use a specific TimeTracker Module, follow these steps:

  • Go to the PK4 Licenses tab in Salesforce. Click the New button to bring up the New PK4 License pop-up.
  • In the License for TT user field, select the TimeTracker user whom you want to assign a license to
  • In the PK4 Module, select the Module that you want to assign this user a license for
  • Set relevant values in the Assigned on and License Valid thru dates (Start and End dates for the user to be able to access the Module that you chose)
  • Click the Save button.

You're done. The TimeTracker user now has access to the Module that you selected.

Note that you need to do this for every Module that every user needs access to.

If your org has not bought enough licenses for the Module that you selected, you will see an error to that effect when you click Save.