To request the user to correct the time details,

  • Go to the Time Review tab in Salesforce
  • Click the Approvals sub-tab
  • By default, the approvals screen shows the time entries of all the users for the previous week, 
  • Select the from and to dates, and the user from the user list, and click the Apply button
  • You see the time entries of the selected user from the date range that you selected in the approvals screen,
  • Review the time details by clicking the + button that is at the end of each row,
  • If any changes required in the time details, click the Eye icon change the Approval Status to "Awaiting Correction" and go to the Discuss tab and enter your comments and ask the use to make the changes in the time entries
  • Click the Post button,
  • Now the status for the time entry is set as Awaiting Correction, and the user can check your comments from the discuss screen from his Salesforce ID. Make the necessary changes to the time details and submit it for approvals again.



  • If the Status is set to "Awaiting Correction", the user see two buttons in the Time details screen as "Save" and "Submit Approval".
  • If the user clicks the Save button after making the correction in the time details, the time details are only saved, and not submitted for Approvals
  • If the user clicks the Submit Approval button, then the time details are submitted for approvals again.