PK4 TimeTracker offers optional one-way integration from Jira to Salesforce, where Worklogs entered in Jira are brought into Salesforce as Time Details. The Time Details that are created in this manner can be mapped to other Salesforce records, for example, as Time Details against a Case.

Here's a more detailed description:

  1. For the purposes of this integration, Jira's Issue object is considered equivalent to your org's TimeTracker-Level-1-configured Salesforce object. Issue Records should therefore carry a custom field. So, for example, if TimeTracker has been configured to track time against a Case, you need to make sure that the Case Number in Salesforce is available in a custom Jira Issue field. You can do this by using a number of third-party tools that copy Salesforce Cases over to Jira as Issues.
  2. TimeTracker configuration within Salesforce will identify a variety of things, including the field on the Time Detail that is a lookup to the Level 1 object (Case, in the current example).
  3. Worklogs entered in Jira are auto-copied over to Salesforce by setting up an Automation that hits our webhook. You can see more detail about configuring Jira Automation here.
  4. Each worklog copied over to a Salesforce is linked to the relevant Level-1-object record based on the configuration in 2 above.

Please note: The Salesforce side of the configuration does not have a user interface as yet, so you need to ask PK4 to set that up when you want to enable this integration.

The overall process to get Jira Integration working is as follows:

  1. Add automation for the PK4 Webhook in Jira
  2. Configure the Webhook in Salesforce.
When you want to enable Jira integration, please do step 1 above on your own in your Jira instance, as described below, and make sure the data is being submitted from Jira to our API. Then get in touch with PK4 Support to complete the configuration for you.

Step 1: Jira Automation
The webhook to add data from Jira to PK4 TimeTracker in Salesforce must be configured as Jira Automation, as described here. Here are some TimeTracker-specific details of the Automation to create in Jira. Items in red are mandatory.
  • For: Work logged - Created
  • Condition: Time-entries where the Case Number is not empty
  • Send Web Request
"app_key": "<whatever your app-key is>",
"source": "jira",
"start_timestamp": "{{worklog.started}}",
"time_spent_seconds": "{{worklog.timeSpentSeconds}}",
 "lookup_fields": {
"dftlytime__Case__c": "{{issue.<whatever custom field has the case number>}}",
"dftlytime__dftlyTimesheetUser__c": "{{}}"
"addl_fields": {
"Jira_Issue_ID__c": "{{worklog.issueId}}",
"dftlytime__Notes__c": "{{worklog.comment}}",
"Jira_User_Name__c": "{{}}"

Step 2: Salesforce Configuration

Once you've configured Jira Automation, make sure records are submitted to our Webhook, by looking at the automation's Audit Log. Then get in touch with PK4 Support to complete the configuration of your Webhook within Salesforce. Please be sure to include your Org ID in your email to PK4 Support.

All Done

When done, you'll then see work logs in Salesforce as Time Detail records, with the name "Jira-<at date-time> for <whatever> mins".