The TimeTracker app is configured to track time for Projects, Work types, and Tasks by default.

If you wish to add an additional object for time tracking, follow these steps:

1. Log in to Salesforce as an Administrator and navigate to the Apps tab.   

2. Click on the Name of the App Key used by users to log in to the TimeTracker application.   

3. Click the Config button and go to the Pop-up List.   

4. Scroll down to the Merge Object Field and enable it.   

5. Select the Object from the field "Object in Salesforce that you want to track time to" (e.g., Project Assignment as shown in the screenshot below)   

6. Choose the field that should be displayed on the TimeTracker application.   

7. Click the Save button.

The field selected in the merge object list will be displayed on the TimeTracker app for tracking time.

Please note that the steps may vary slightly based on the specific design and features of your TimeTracker application.