Please upgrade the V4S Mobile application in your Salesforce Admin ID to the latest version from Salesforce App Exchange. Then upgrade the V4S Kiosk application from Google Play Store or from the iTunes Store to your Android or iPhones accordingly to the latest version.

You will need V4S Mobile Salesforce version 1.36 or above in Salesforce, and V4S Kiosk version 3.6.5-200021  or above version installed on the device. Once the applications are upgraded/installed to the latest versions the V4S Kiosk user can log in to the V4S Kiosk app and volunteers can start volunteering for Jobs/Shifts.

Jobs and Shifts: earlier Jobs & Shifts tab was configurated only for volunteer Signup, Check-In/Out. The upgraded version of the Kiosk application has more features, such as

  • Job Name is with big font and Shift ID in Smaller Font, that makes it easy for the Volunteers to recognize the Job they want to Signup/Check-In for
  • Jobs are highlighted with Yellow tile
  • Shifts highlighted with Green Tab
  • On Today's Jobs and Shifts screen it displays the desired number of Volunteers, number of signed up volunteers, Number of Checked-in Volunteers, and number of Completed Volunteers
  • Auto-refresh of Jobs & Shifts screen when switched from one tab to another in the V4S Kiosk application
  • Sign-up and Check-in buttons work faster
  • Option to Add Images for Jobs and Shifts
  • Search Volunteer works with partial or full Email ID search

Volunteers Today:

  • Shows the number of volunteers signed up for today's Jobs or Shift, and the total number of volunteers Checked-in currently 
  • Displays all volunteer names those have Signed up for Today's Job or Shift with the Job or Shift details
  • If the volunteers have already signed up for the Job or Shift, the volunteers can Check-In/Out for the Job or Shift from volunteers today screen also.

Scan Members: This screen is used for scanning the contact QR code and Check-In/Out the Contacts.

  • In the upgraded version of the V4S Mobile 1.36, the contact QR codes get generated automatically in Salesforce every time a new contact is created in the org
  • Each QR code is unique and the QR codes can be used for scanning and to Check-In and Check-Out
  • Some orgs do not have specific Jobs or Shifts that the volunteers Check-In. They only want to keep a track of total hours the volunteers have Checked in for a day.
  • These type of orgs can use the scan member screen and Check-In/Out the volunteers
    • e.g: Scanning the QR code of a Contact at a Zoo to Check-In/Out the visitors or people at an Art Gallery, etc
  • We can also give an option to select an object from Salesforce in the Scan member screen and link the Check-ins to it. Like a Campaign can be selected at the time of scanning the QR code, and the Check-ins are linked to the selected  Campaign.
    • Make sure that a lookup field on Contact Check-in is created for Campaign and select the campaign for contact Check-ins

Roster Today: V4S Roster User can access Roster Tabs in the V4S Kiosk application

  • Roster app can be used in Schools for students attendance
  • The app shows the No Teacher Check-in indicator, the front desk person can see if the tutor has Checked-in for the class or not, so that Students can stay at the front desk until the Tutor Checks in for the Class
  • Displays Students (V4S Members) who have signed up for today's classes with Class and Course details
  • Details of Dropped off by and Picked up by details
  • Option to Add up to 5 Accompanying Adult names (the people who Drop and Pick the Students/Members)
  • Students/Members can Check-In/Out from Roster Today Tab

Events Today:

  • Events Today tab is used by organizations who conduct Events,
  • Create a Volunteer Job with a Shift, and added Attendees (V4S Attendees) to the Shift
  • Once the Attendees are added to the Shift it shows up as an Events in the Events today tab
  • The Events User can scan the QR Code of the Guest or Click the Check-In button to Check-In the guest for the Event
  • Each Attendee created in Salesforce has an auto-generated QR Code. The QR codes can be emailed to the guests or it can be printed on a sheet of paper
  • The QR code can be scanned to Check-in the Attendees/guests for the Event.
  • You can also add an additional/walk-in guests to the event by clicking the +Guest button on the Attendees today tab

Attendees Today:

  • This tab lists all the Guests available for today's Events,
  • There are 4 sub Tabs under Attendees today which displays the count of Confirmed, Unconfirmed, Walk-In Attendees and the number of Attendees Checked in for the Shift under the Check-ins tab
  • On click of each sub-tab, you see a list of Guest with the above-said Status
  • There is also an Add button (+) at the bottom of the Attendees today Tab, by clicking the + button, you can add more Attendees to the Event
  • You can add single or multiple attendees to an Event using the + button

New Volunteer: To add new/Walk-in  Volunteers

Settings: settings tab has facilities as mentioned below

  • Auto-refresh Data: V4S Kiosk saves Salesforce API usage by using local data where possible. But if you don't regularly log out/refresh pages on the V4S Kiosk, setting this value will cause auto-refresh of data every few minutes when logged in, using the APIs but keeping the device in sync. 0 here means NO auto-refresh, click the check-box button after you make a change.
  • Show Toast after each Scan: When scanned QR Codes, if you want to scan through a large number of them one after another, you could show the details of the scan for a few seconds and then automatically go on to scan again. Set the # of seconds here. 0 means don't wait or display scanned details after each scan. Click the checkbox-button after you make a change so that the scanned Attendee details are displayed for a few seconds for you to refer and then proceed scan for other guests
  • Change password: you can change the password for your V4S Kiosk login using the Change password button. Enter Old and New Password and click the Change Password button to change the password for your V4S Kiosk application

Offline working: The Volunteers, Teachers (Roster Users), Members, Guest (Attendees) can Check-in/Out for Jobs/Shift, Events, and Classes even when there is no data connectivity. This can happen only when all the data from Salesforce is synced with the V4S Kiosk application.

Please ensure that you have proper data connectivity when you log in to the V4S Kiosk application in the morning or the first time you log in to the V4S Kiosk application of the day. Once the data is synced then Volunteers,  Teachers (Roster Users), Members, Guest (Attendees) can Check-in/Out for Jobs/Shift, Events, and Classes even when there is no data connectivity.

Please note that only the volunteers who have Signed-up earlier or when there is proper data connectivity can Check-In and Check-Out on the V4S Kiosk when offline.

Volunteers cannot search for their name to Signup for Job or Shift when on Offline. When the Volunteer searches for his/her name the app must get the Volunteer data from Salesforce. And if there is no data connectivity, the V4S Kiosk app cannot sync with Salesforce to get the Volunteer data. Due to this, Volunteers cannot Signup for Job or Shift when offline.