If you are installing the V4S Mobile application into your Sandbox Org, you MAY have an older version of Volunteers for Salesforce installed in the Sandbox. If so, you will get an error message from the V4S Mobile installation asking that you be on V4S Version 3.105 or above. In that case, you should first install VFS version 3.105 or above and then Install V4S Mobile from the App Exchange.

  • Click here to install/upgrade VFS to version 3.105 or above.
  • Scroll down to the Installation URL and Click on the URL
  • The page takes you to the Salesforce Login
  • In the Login URL replace "Login" with "test" as below and click it
    • https://login.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t500000001x8W
    • https://test.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t500000001x8W
  • Login to your Salesforce Sandbox with the correct credentials

  • Click on Login to Sandbox
  • Then select the option for installation, if you have already installed VFS earlier, the page displays details of earlier VFS installed package version and the latest VFS version for upgrading the app

  • Click on install/upgrade

Once the installation/upgrades are done, the logged-in Salesforce User will receive an email about Installation/Upgrades.

You can now install V4S Mobile and start testing the app.