Sometimes when the Volunteer Coordinator enters the App Key, Email ID and a Password to login to the V4S Kiosk application. The app shows the Job names and a logout button and the volunteer coordinator is not logged in to the application.

This might be because the volunteer who has signed up for a Job or Shift is deleted in Salesforce but their volunteer hours record still exists in Salesforce.

  • e.g: If a Volunteer in the org has signed up for a Job or Shift earlier with the Mobile app or from the site pages. And the Contact for the same volunteer is deleted in Salesforce without deleting her Volunteer hours. And this causes the loading screen getting stuck at the login page.

Some reasons for deleting the Volunteer Contact in Salesforce might be due to reasons mentioned below

  • The contact might have deleted because of duplication
  • Contact might be deleted because it was a test contact created while testing the application
  • If the contact is not interested in volunteering further in the org, etc.,

Please make sure that you delete the volunteer hours for a volunteer before you delete the Salesforce Contact for the volunteer.

We suggest you delete the Volunteer hours before deleting the volunteer Contact, because if the volunteer hours are not deleted, then when the Volunteer coordinator logs in to the V4S Kiosk, the application tries to get all the data from Salesforce and show it on the V4S Kiosk application

  • Jobs & Shifts
  • Volunteer Hours
  • Volunteers data who have signed up for today's Job or Shift
  • Contacts details of the Volunteers who have signed up for today's Jobs and Shifts

All these data are synced from Salesforce on to the device on which the Volunteer coordinator is trying to log in to the V4S Kiosk application. As only the Contact in Salesforce is deleted and not the Volunteer hours of the same Contact/volunteer for today's Job or Shifts then the V4S Kiosk screen gets stuck at the loading page after login on the V4S Kiosk application.

Because the V4S Kiosk application is trying to fetch the data from Salesforce to V4S Kiosk application to show Jobs and Shifts along with signed up volunteers. But as the Salesforce contact is not there for a volunteer who is signed up for the Job/Shift the app keeps searching for the related contact in Salesforce and as the contact is deleted in Salesforce the V4S Kiosk app keeps searching for the related contact from the backend and it cannot be tracked because there is no contact in Salesforce.

The V4S kiosk application then stays on the loading screen and does not move further, if you notice this kind of behavior. Please check Jobs and Shifts in  Salesforce along with the Volunteer Hours and related Contacts are in Salesforce or not. If there are volunteer hours for the contacts/volunteers who do not have a Salesforce contact please add them or delete the volunteer hours for that contact/volunteer and then try the login to the V4S Kiosk application.

Note: The lookup details can be deleted without deleting the related objects in Salesforce. But the master details cannot be deleted without deleting the related objects in Salesforce.

Click here to know more about look-up and master details in Salesforce.