You see the loading icon and a Logout button for a long time on the device is because there are too many Jobs in the org.
Please make sure that the Jobs are marked as Inactive after the Job is completed in the org. We suggest you mark the job as inactive because if the Job is not marked as Inactive, then all the Jobs in your org is synced and shown on the V4S Kiosk application. If there are more jobs that are completed, but not marked as inactive in Salesforce, the V4S Kiosk app tries to show those jobs and might take a longer time to load the data.
As the data is syncing from Salesforce, and if there is a long list of Jobs, then you see the loader or a loading message until the Jobs are synced and shown on the V4S Kiosk application.
To mark the Jobs as Inactive, go to the Volunteer Jobs tab and click on the Job which is completed and tick the "Inactive" button and Save it. Mark as Inactive for all the Jobs which are completed. The jobs marked as inactive are not shown on the V4S Kiosk application and speeds up the sync and you will not see the loading message on the device for a long time.
There are 2 more Check-boxes as "Display on Website" and "Display on Kiosk"
- If you mark the Job as active and Display on Website, the job is displayed on Web pages and on the V4S Kiosk application.
- If the Job is marked as active and Display on Kiosk then the Job is shown only on the Kiosk application and not on the Web pages
To mark the Job to be displayed only on the V4S Kiosk app,
- Create a Checkbox field as "Display on Kiosk" for Volunteer Job object, and add this field to the Volunteer Job screen in Salesforce
- On the Volunteer Jobs list, Check the Check-Box "Display on Kiosk" and uncheck "Display on Website" for the Jobs which should be displayed only on V4S Kiosk application and not on the web pages
- Then add the Display on Kiosk field to the V4S Mobile configuration to view the Jobs which are marked as "Display on Kiosk". Click here to know more about adding the filters for Jobs and Shifts screen.
Now, mark the jobs as active and Display on Website or Display on Kiosk according to your requirement and save the Volunteer Jobs. Only the Jobs with the Status Active and Display on Website or Active and Display on Kiosk are shown on the V4S Kiosk application. And you will not see the loading message for a long time on the V4S Kiosk application.