By default, if a Volunteer Signup for a Job/Shift the Volunteer Status in Volunteer Hours is set as "Confirmed" or "Web Signup" as per the configuration done in the Salesforce Org.

There are 6 Volunteer Status which "Volunteer For Salesforce" use for Volunteers and dftly supports the same Status for Volunteers. The default Status as mentioned below

  1. Prospect
  2. Confirmed
  3. No-Show
  4. Web Signup
  5. Canceled
  6. Completed

  • Only the above said Volunteer Status is Used by all orgs 
  • Volunteer For Salesforce and V4S (dftly) uses only "Web Signup, Confirmed or Prospect" when the Volunteers signup for Job or Shift. Once the scheduler executes the volunteer is auto Checked-Out and the Volunteer status is changed from "Confirmed" to "Completed" 
  • An additional Status can be included as "Checked-In" but we are not sure about the consequences that take place when the auto Scheduler executes to update the Volunteer Status. 
  • To implement the new Status in the org, it requires huge custom work, as a huge number of API's need to be changed.

Note: To change the Volunteer Status from Confirmed to Completed, a Scheduler must be created in the org. The Scheduler Auto Checks-Out the Volunteers who have Checked-In and not Checked-out of a Shift and then change the Status from Confirmed to Completed. Click here to know more about creating a scheduler in the org.