Yes, now the V4S Kiosk application works offline, to avail of this feature the V4S Mobile and V4S Kiosk applications must be upgraded to the latest version

  1. V4S Mobile: Upgrade the V4S Mobile application in your Salesforce Org to the latest version 1.23 or above from Salesforce App Exchange
  2. V4S Kiosk: Upgrade the V4S Kiosk application to version 2.1-77 from Google Play Store for Android devices and from iTunes Store for iOS devices.

Once the applications are upgraded to the latest versions, the volunteers at your org can Check-In and Check-Out when there is no data connection.

  • The V4S Kiosk User/Volunteer coordinator must login to the V4S Kiosk application at home or at the office with a good Wi-Fi or data connection, so that the signed up volunteer data is synced to the V4S Kiosk application.
  • Then the volunteers can Check-In and Check-Out for the Job/Shifts even when there is no proper data connection.
  • All the Check-Ins and Check-Outs done when offline is saved in V4S Kiosk application and once the device is connected with a proper Wi-Fi or mobile data the volunteer data is synced to Salesforce.


  • A new volunteer cannot be added to a Job/Shift using the Add New Volunteer button on the Job/Shift details screen
  • And an existing volunteer in your org cannot be searched and signed up to a Job/Shift when on offline


  • Once the volunteers Check-Out of all Job/Shift in a day, the volunteer coordinator should make sure that the device is connected to a proper Wi-Fi/data connection.
  • As all the volunteers have Checked-In/Out when offline, all those data will be synced to Salesforce once the V4S Kiosk app is connected with Wi-Fi or mobile data
  • Then the volunteer coordinator can Logout of the V4S Kiosk app.