Yes, it is compulsory that the V4S Kiosk User (Volunteer Coordinator or the Manager who manages Volunteer activities) must log out of the V4S Kiosk application on the device every night or once all volunteers finish volunteering for the day.
This is compulsory because there is no auto-refresh option for jobs/Shift screen on the V4S kiosk app, and if they have not logged out the previous day and have not refreshed the Jobs/Shift screen, Volunteers see the previous days Job/Shifts when they come in the next day. And when they try to Signup or Check in for Job/Shift they might see some unknown error message on the screen.
So we suggest that the person who is a V4S Kiosk User, logs out of the V4S Kiosk app every night or once all Volunteers have Checked Out of their Job/Shifts.
At least refresh the Jobs/Shifts screen on the V4S Kiosk app the next day before any volunteer tries to Signup or Check in for a Job/Shift. The Jobs and Shifts screen can be refreshed by going to any other tab in the V4S Kiosk application like volunteers today or the settings tab and then get back to the Jobs and Shifts screen to see current days Jobs and Shifts.
Please upgrade the V4S Kiosk application to the latest version 1.32 in Salesforce and to version 3.41-199004 on the device, the upgraded version of the V4S Kiosk application is with auto refreshing the screens of V4S Moile apps every 2 hours once. So it is not compulsory that the V4S Kiosk user should logout everyday after all the volunteers finish volunteers.