To reset the password for the V4S Kiosk application
If you have forgotten the password for the V4S Kiosk application, then
- Click the V4S Kiosk app on the Tablet or iPad and enter the App Key and Email ID. Click the Forgot Password string, you see a popup with the App Key and Email ID. Check the details in the popup and click the OK button.
- An Email with an OTP is sent to the same email ID which was there in the popup earlier, enter the OTP, New Password, and the Confirm Password in the change password screen, Password hint (is optional) and click the Change button.
- Now the new password is set and you can use the new password to log in to the V4S Kiosk application on the device.
If you remember the password and want to change it frequently for security purpose,
- Go to the Settings tab of the V4S Kiosk application, and enter the old password and new password in the "Change Password" screen and click the Change password button. Now the password is reset for the V4S Kiosk application.