There is a feature in the VFS (Volunteer for Salesforce) application, which creates Shifts for 6 months when you create Job Recurrence Schedule by entering only the Scheduled Start Date and Time and not entering the Schedule End Date. And this is the reason you don't see recurring Shifts for some Jobs in the V4S Kiosk after the Schedule End Date is over in Salesforce
Follow the instructions below to fix the Job Recurrence Schedule
- Go to Volunteer Jobs in Salesforce
- Click on Edit page for the Job for which you don't see the recurring Shifts on the device
- Click the Related Button
- Click on "Job Recurrence Schedule"
- Click Edit for the Job Recurrence Schedule which is there already
- Without making any changes just click on Save.
This creates Shifts for another 6 Months, OR you can add the Schedule end date for the Job Recurrence Schedule to create recurrence shifts.
You might see the same issue for Volunteers, as the Signup details does not show up when you login to the V4S Kiosk application on the device. Follow the instructions as you did for Job Recurrence Schedule or refer this article for more information.

You might see the same issue for Volunteers, as the Signup details does not show up when you login to the V4S Kiosk application on the device. Follow the instructions as you did for Job Recurrence Schedule or refer this article for more information.