If you've added a Volunteer Recurrence Schedule for a volunteer, and don't see her name on the specific Job/Shift, it means you have not filled all the required information in the Job Recurrence Schedule or in the Volunteer Recurrence Schedule.
Make sure you add all required information for the Job Recurrence Schedule and for Volunteer Recurrence Schedule. Only then Volunteers see their names when they click the Job/shift tile to Check-in.
Below are the fields that are on the Job Recurrence Schedule and Volunteer Recurrence Schedule. Make sure the mandatory fields (marked with the red asterisk) are filled when you are adding Volunteer or Job Recurrence schedule
Job Recurrence Schedule
- Add Job
- Click on Job for which you would like to add Job Recurrence Schedule
- Click on New Job Recurrence Schedule
- Select Days of Week
- Select Weekly Occurrence
- Schedule Start Date & Time
- Schedule End Date
- Duration*
- Desired Number of Volunteer*
- Description (Optional)
- Save it
- Click on Job to add Volunteer Recurrence Schedule
- Click on New Volunteer Recurrence Schedule button
- Select Job Recurrence Schedule
- Add Contact (Volunteer)
- Schedule Start Date & Time *
- Schedule End Date
- Mark Duration as "0" (As Shift Hours will get added to Duration, do not add hours here)*
- Add Number of Volunteers
- Select Volunteer Hours Status as "Confirmed"
- Select Days of Week
- Weekly occurrence
- Comments (Optional)
- Save it
Once the Volunteer clicks the Job/shifts tile on the V4S Kiosk application they see their name in the Signed up volunteers list and can Check-In for Job/Shift.